Positive Environmental News So Far (2024)

In the face of so much doom and gloom, here are a bunch of positive environmental news stories from 2024.

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Climate Doomism & Positive Environmental News

The barrage of stories highlighting the dire consequences of climate change can leave many feeling overwhelmed, leading to a phenomenon known as climate doom and eco-anxiety.

The never-ending bad news takes an emotional toll. It makes many of us feel hopeless. How can we, as individuals, make a difference in the face of so much destruction? What we need is a beacon in the storm of all these alarming headlines.

Amidst the overwhelming tide of challenges, stories of innovation, community action, and significant strides toward sustainability serve as vital reminders that progress is possible. They not only offer a much-needed respite from the constant influx of grim updates, but also play a crucial role in fueling our collective motivation to forge ahead.

Positive environmental news acts as a powerful counterbalance, lightening the burden of climate anxiety by showcasing the capacity for human ingenuity and resilience. It’s these stories that remind us of our ability to enact change, inspire action, and bolster hope for a healthier planet. 

In embracing and spreading positive news, we not only lift our spirits but also reinforce the belief that, together, we can and will build a more sustainable future.

Positive Environmental News 2024

blue whale jumping bursting through water, positive environmental news

Positive Environmental News 2024 – May

Recovering species galore in May’s list of positive news!

Free public transport in Montpellier increases trips

Starting last December, Montpellier, a French city, made public transport free, and has seen a 20% increase in public transport users.

Scientists find what could be first nursery for hammerhead sharks

The first known smooth hammerhead shark nursery was discovered in the Galapagos. The shark species is rarely seen in the marine reserve.

Sei whales return to their ancestral home after a century away

The large whales have returned to the waters of Argentina after overhunting during the 1920s and 30s drove them away.

Wildlife makes full recovery in Kenya

After a historic worst-ever drought, the ongoing rains have brought relief to Kenya, with wildlife and ecosystems making a full recovery.

Blue whales may make a return to Antartica

A twenty year study of whale calls suggests that blue whales may be returning and recovering in Antarctica after being hunted to near-extiction.

Antwerp is giving away free trees to residents

The initiative called Neighbourhood In Bloom seeks to encourage citizens to plant trees in gardens and unpaved spaces, creating a green city.

Bison in Romania are helping carbon capture

A rewilding project that reintroduced a herd of 170 European Bison in Romania’s Tarcu mountains could help capture the carbon equivalent of 84,000 US cars per year.

Renewable energy now accounts for the majority of India’s energy

Coal no longer makes up the majority of India’s energy, with renewable energy accounting for over 70% of newly added power generation. India ranks third globally for solar power generation.

lush oasis in a rainforest, positive environmental news 2024

Positive Environmental News 2024 – April

April’s positive environmental news features great stories about land ownership and renewable energy use.

British Columbia, Canada, acknowledges that 200 islands belong to Indigenous communities

First-ever agreement saw BC acknowledge that 200 islands are owned by the Haida nation. Going further, they agree that the islands have never belonged to the Canadian government.

US emission reduction rate has doubled since the Inflation Reduction Act

Clean energy and transportation investment in the US has increased a record-breaking 40% between 2022 and 2023.

Women-led solar entrepreneurs improving electricity access in rural Nigeria

Renewable energy startup REES is advocating for climate action and providing clean energy to thousands of people in poor communities. Nigeria has the lowest access to electricity in the world.

First Nations are restoring one of the world’s oldest tropical rainforests in Australia

The Eastern Kuku Yalanji tribe in North Queensland is focusing on protecting the oldest surviving tropical rainforest. They’re educating the community about connections between nature and our health.

Workplaces in Wales now required to sort their waste

New law requires that Welsh businesses, charities, and the public sector sort and recycle their waste, including compost, to reduce waste sent to landfill.

Old cattle farm to protect endangered birds

Following a fundraising campaign, the Australia Nature Foundation purchased an old cattle farm in South Australia that will help protect the endangered malleefowl.

US introduces its first regulations to limit PFAS in drinking water

The Environmental Protection Agency has implemented regulations to monitor and limit quantities of forever chemicals in drinking water.

Landmark ruling in India includes climate impacts in right to life

India’s supreme court ruled that the right to life can’t be realized without a clean environment, including protections against the dangers of climate change.

Driving is the least preferred mode of transportation in Paris

53.3% of people prefer walking, 30% prefer public transportation, 11.2% cycle, and only 4.3% drive to their destination.

Wolves appear in Nevada for the first time in nearly a decade

Wolves were discovered by Nevada’s Department for Wildlife in Elko County for the first time in 8 years.

Seven countries generate all electricity from renewables

Albania, Bhutan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Iceland, Nepal, and Paraguay all generate enough electricity from renewables.

koala sleeping against a tree

Positive Environmental News 2024 – March

March was full of positive news. From the growth of endangered species populations to green legislation, we’ve got it all below.

Canada seeks to protect its newly discovered coral reef

With the help of First Nations, Canada identified its only living coral reef. It’s the northernmost reef ever discovered in the Pacific Ocean, just off the coast of BC, and the country is protecting it by banning bottom-contact fishing.

Private jets are getting taxed

A new Biden proposal would see a 400% fuel tax increase for polluting private jets. This was pitched as a fairness issue as airline passengers pay special taxes on every ticket.

France is looking to crackdown on fast fashion

Adverts for fast fashion may soon be banned in France in a new bill that seeks to ease the industry’s pollution. The policy also looks to impose penalties on low-cost clothing to compensate for its environmental impact.

Finches linked to Darwin’s theory of evolution are back in the Galapagos Islands

Experts have been working since 2023 to eradicate species that have been causing the disappearance of many native species in the Galapagos. They have finally reintroduced a flock of finches to the area.

The EU’s Nature Restoration Law

The European Parliament has passed a law that aims to rehabilitate at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea by 2030, and all degraded ecosystems by 2050. As of today, 81% of their habitats are in poor condition.

New York City has announced 260,000 green jobs

These jobs will be created over the next 15 years, prioritizing training New Yorkers from environmentally disadvantaged communities.

Koalas are returning to Brisbane brushlands

Brisbane and the University of Queensland are partnering up to reintroduce and monitor koalas over the next four years to strengthen their populations.

The EU has criminalized ecocide

Crimes such as habitat loss, illegal logging, and pollution could see CEOs sentenced up to 10 years in prison. Member states now have two years to implement it in national law.

Hawaii is introducing a climate fee on tourists

Hawaii has been suffering from over-tourism for years. Now the islands are introducing a $25 climate fee on all tourists to restore nature, protecting its beaches and preventing wildfires.

Washington joins California and Hawaii in banning octopus farming

The world’s first-ever legislation banning octopus farming was passed by the Washington State Senate.

Wild panda populations have almost doubled in China

China’s efforts to protect their pandas are paying off as the population of giant pandas in the wild has nearly doubled over the last 40 years.

Properties with no owners in Scotland will transfer to local communities

Local communities will be offered ownerless buildings or land worth up to £500,000 to encourage community ownership.

African tree planting project transforms degraded lands

Trees for the Future is working on replacing barren monocultures with forest. Since 2015, they have planted an area seven times the size of Manhattan.

Bald eagles have been spotted nesting in Toronto for the very first time

A pair of eagles are the first-ever recorded to nest in Toronto, showing that the city’s green spaces are healing after bans on insecticides and hunting.

Coral reef restoration is helping ecosystems recover

A new study shows that coral reefs can make a full recovery and grow at the same speed as healthy ones in as little as four years after coral transplantation.

earth from space, positive environmental news

Positive Environmental News 2024 – February

From protected areas to rescued endangered species, let’s take a look at all the positive environmental news from February.

Google will map methane emissions from space

The tech giant is backing a satellite project launching in March. The satellite will orbit 300 miles around the Earth, 15 times per day, collecting data about methane levels.

Developers in England must create wildlife habitats

England’s latest environmental policy will require new developments to provide a 10% net gain in biodiversity that is maintained for at least 30 years. This includes new homes, roads, railways, and solar farms.

New Zealand opens kiwi hospital

New Zealand has opened a hospital specifically to treat kiwi birds. Their first patient, a chick named Splash, has already been nursed back to health after falling into a swimming pool.

Mexico announces 20 new protected areas across 12 states

Mexico’s government announced 20 new protected areas across 12 states and two coastal areas, spanning roughly 5.7 million acres.

The National Trust will plant over 100,000 trees in Devon

The large-scale project will re-establish approximately 123 acres of the UK’s most endangered habitats: the temperate rainforest.

UK to ban disposable vapes

The sale and supply of disposable vapes will be banned in England, Scotland, and Wales. Part of the reason is to reduce the appeal vapes have on the younger generation.

Alabama’s wetlands were purchased for conservation and saved from logging

“America’s Amazon,” over 8000 acres of wetlands, was purchased for conservation for $15 million. The owners sold to The Nature Conservatory instead of to a buyer who planned to log and sell timber.

EU to force cosmetic companies to clean up pollution

Cosmetics companies will have to pay to reduce microplastic water pollution, covering 80% of the extra clean-up costs.

New Zealand to ban PFAS in cosmetics

Starting at the tail end of 2027, businesses can no longer sell or supply cosmetics containing PFAS within New Zealand. By June 2028, all cosmetics containing PFAS must be disposed of.

India’s tiger reserve becomes their first Dark Sky Park

The Pench Tiger Reserve earned its title for preventing light pollution and protecting the night sky. It has become a place for astronomy fans to view a sky full of stars.

Oregon Zoo releases endangered Condors back into the wild

Oregon Zoo hatched, raised, and released seven California condors. There are only 500 of these critically endangered birds left in the wild.

Spain to introduce seven new Marine Protected Areas

Spain is introducing seven new Marine Protected Areas, increasing their protected waters from 12% to 21%.

ocean waves from birds eye view, positive environmental news

Positive Environmental News 2024 – January

Elephants, octopuses, and rhinos – here’s all the positive environmental news that January had to offer.

Canada will require all new cars be zero-emission by 2035

The Government of Canada has committed to achieving 100% zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035, with interim goals of at least 20% by 2026 and 60% by 2030.

Amazon deforestation in Brazil dropped 50% in 2023

Compared to 2022, the rate of deforestation dropped 50% in the Amazon, with the environment ministry declaring it was the lowest recorded deforestation rate in the last five years.

Denmark to introduce green tax on flights from 2025

The new tax on air passengers was approved by the Danish government, with the goal to help fund the transition to sustainable aviation fuel by 2030.

World’s renewable energy capacity has grown 50%

2023 saw the world add 50% more renewable capacity than the previous year, with a projection that the next 5 years will see the fastest growth yet.

First successful embryo transfer in rhinos

Scientists may be able to save the nearly extinct northern white rhino species through IVF. The surrogate mother rhino is roughly 70 days pregnant.

Elephant populations have stabilized in southern Africa

Researchers found that conservation has stopped the decline of elephants in southern Africa, with populations growing 0.16% per year over the last quarter century.

New study finds that plastic bag bans are working

A new report from Environment America, Frontier Group, and US Public Interest Research Group Education Fund shows that plastic bag bans eliminate roughly 300 single-use plastic bags per person per year.

EU bans greenwashing claims

The EU will ban misleading climate-neutral terms, eradicating greenwashing from labelling and ads. These terms include “eco-friendly,” “biodegradable,” and “climate neutral.”

Scientists discover new octopus species

Scientists off the coast of Costa Rica have discovered at least four new species of octopus, spanning an area approximately 260sqkm.

France implements mandatory composting

France has declared that organic waste recycling is now mandatory. The waste will be turned into biogas or composted to replace chemical fertilizers. 

Palau becomes first nation to ratify the UN Ocean Treaty

Palau will ratify the high seas treaty, seeking to project and manage marine areas beyond national jurisdiction. Chile and the Maldives are on the cusp of ratifying, with a total of 60 nations needed for the treaty to take full effect.

First large-scale offshore wind project launches in the US

Located off the coast of Massachusetts, the first large-scale offshore wind turbine has begun to deliver roughly 5MW of power to New England.

Read More: Positive Environmental News (2023)

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